Objective Skill Ranking

Skill assessment or competency evaluation is the most common and recognised method of identifying talent. But in the screening process, it can be hard to identify, who actually possess the required skills and who just has a pretty resumé. It can be a time-consuming process - and it can easily result in overlooked candidates, just because their resumé was not that flashy.

Our platform allows you to require the candidate to fill out a skill evaluation for relevant skills initially when applying for the job. This way the system will sort out and rank the candidates for you, placing those at the top who have the best match according to the required skills. We call this Objective Skill Ranking, since it won’t be your quick look at a resumé that determines whether the candidate is fit for the job.

Skills can both be soft skills and hard skills, and they are defined as knowledge, qualifications, ability and capacity, manifested in the candidate's behaviour. So what is the difference between a skill and a qualification, because there is a significant difference. You can take driving lessons and pass the test. This makes you qualified for driving a car. But only when you have driven a car for some time can you call yourself a skilled driver. So leaving college with a degree in Teaching does indeed make you qualified for teaching, but it does not make you a skilled teacher.

Identifying the right skills is critical when describing job requirements and performance standards for a job. It is essential to select only those with these abilities from among hundreds of resumes.

It is crucial to be able to identify the right skills when hiring staff. It is important to note that various skills and abilities are required for each job position. By writing job descriptions, quick guides will make the job analysis process more straightforward. Overall, these 10 areas of skills can be help identifying the right skills:

  1. Level of decision-making and areas of responsibility
  2. Managerial/leadership skills
  3. Level of Customer Contact
  4. Planning and scheduling
  5. Level of Skills and Knowledge
  6. Administrative skills
  7. Communication skills
  8. Qualifications / courses / education / certifications
  9. Problem Identification and Solution
  10. Level of Analytical skills

Using our talent attraction method, while determining the skills necessary, all applicants must react to the skills you are searching for. 

This will offer you an immediate picture of all applicants and how they are put in line with each other.

The ones with the best match receive the best score.

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